If deeply depressed, temporarily get on medication so you can be functional and do what else is necessary to make yourself happy.
- Develop purpose and passion — be involved in something that you feel passionate about, whether it’s work or a class or volunteering.
- Raise self-esteem by cleaning up unresolved issues with people who have hurt you. Make a list of all those that need a confrontation letter and start the work.
- Make sure you have some fun in your life almost every day.
- Have goals — whether they are career goals or goals to meet a partner by a certain date or to be the best golfer.
- Take action on anything and everything that you are not happy about in your life.
- Have courage. Take risks whether it’s starting a new career, internet dating, approaching someone to be your friend or whatever. Work past your fear.
- Learn to be alone and enjoy it. Use the time to work on the above steps to happiness. Realize that your time alone is time nurturing yourself and making yourself the best you can be.
- Force yourself to let go of negative thoughts. Promise to try and become more of an optimist by thinking of the good in every issue.
- Show love. Whether or not you are in a relationship, show love every day to someone or something, i.e. nieces or nephews, pets, a homeless person, a family member, a friend.
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